Next Generation Nanowire Transistors

Unlock the power of speed, performance and reduced energy consumption.

The promise of high-band 5G: lightning-fast data rates that make smart cities, smart industries and autonomous transportation possible.

The promise of nanowire transistors: making high-frequency band, 5G technology and advanced data processing possible.

About Us

NordAmps represents the convergence of research by global leaders in nanotechnology with leading-edge application needs. A nanotechnology startup, our journey began in 2016 within Lund University Nanoelectronics, where we developed nanowire transistor technology targeted for high-frequency wireless communication and advanced processor applications. Our elegant transistor design combines the best of two worlds—the high performance of III-V materials in a scalable technology and the economy of scale supported by silicon CMOS-based manufacturing. Our design meets speed, performance and energy requirements for high-frequency band 5G data transfer and logic data processing devices in fewer manufacturing steps, using fewer scarce materials than conventional III-V technologies.

Doing Business With Us

Our nanowire technology is now available for semiconductor device manufacturers through technology transfer license agreements that give you access to our design library, which readily integrates into your circuit design flow, with the option of purchasing manufacturing licenses. We are also open to partnerships with semiconductor equipment manufacturers to optimize tools for this technology.

Our Nanowire Transistor Technology

From 2016-2024, we operated as a spinoff of Lund University, fine-tuning manufacturing, design and our proprietary process to grow vertical, nanoscale structures using III-V compound semiconductor materials directly on silicon. The result is an elegant design ready to integrate into existing, silicon-based high-frequency-band 5G products precisely at the time you need it, using mainstream semiconductor manufacturing processes. Our InGaAs nanowire transistors on silicon support competitive device performance in terms of cutoff frequency, linearity, noise performance and breakdown voltage.


Our vertical nanowire transistors support circuit designs at mmWave frequencies between 26GHz to 170GHz.


Power reduction over silicon devices alone at mmWave frequencies.

Latest News – Vertical Nanowire Transistor