Discover NordAmps Process Design Kit
NordAmps is offering an emerging vertical transistor technology that enables the higher data rates and lower power consumption needed for future mmWave applications. The combination of InGaAs’s high mobility, the vertical channel, and integration on Si wafers is very attractive for mmWave integrated circuits. To see how your product could benefit from using NordAmps technology you can use our Process Design Kit (PDK) for you circuit design.
The Process Design Kit for NordAmps vertical III-V nanowire process is available for Cadence Virtuoso and AWR platforms. The PDK includes scalable PCells for both active and passive devices, PVS physical verification tool for DRC and LVS. Parasitic extraction is implemented with both EM-simulator (EMX) and rule-based extraction (QRC). Yield analysis is supported using Monte Carlo simulations.

You want to evaluate the technology using the PDK or learn more about our product offer. You can find further information on our website or contact us directly.
To know more about our new Vertical Nanowire Transistor Technology.
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